For Professionals
If you are a . . .
- Judicial Officer
- Attorney
- Evaluator
- Parenting Time Coordinator
- Mediator
- Therapist
. . . you likely have seen parents who are a bit (or more) stuck in conflict with one another, in the midst of or beyond separation/divorce.
Maybe the conflict has been so high it’s been difficult for them to keep the focus on their child/ren.
Perhaps their communication has been toxic or non-existent, creating problems for the children.
Parenting Beyond Conflict can help parents with skills, strategies and support for parenting between two homes. We explore traps to avoid, effective communication, keeping the focus on the children and their safety & well-being.
Over the past several years, professionals have reported that parents with such tools can make changes in their actions, communication, and focus. These have also made the work of family law professionals easier.
We offer a collaborative 6-Week Co-Parenting Class and an intensive one-day Saturday Co-Parenting Workshop.
Suggested Resources for parents.